Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Books Anonymous

The bed is filled with books, 2 kids, 1 mommy, Bump-Bump, Emergency Panda, and various stuffed animals who's names change with the wind.  We are snuggled in against the wind and the cold and ready to jump into worlds vastly different from our own and worlds similar.  I love our night time reading sessions.  Books were a huge part of my life growing up but I don't remember my mom reading to us much.  She read a lot, always a book by her side.  But with 4 kids making the rounds at night to read stories may have been too much.  I am happy to know that now when Autumn spends the night my mom reads book upon book with her.

But for now I am relishing these nights.  Soon they will be too big for this. Soon all the cliches that have been told to me will be may be true, but for now my kids are mine.

In our house books are tripped over, they drip from our shelves, shoved into every nook and cranny. To say I am addicted would be an understatement.  And this love of books is being passed onto Autumn and Dash.  Thankfully they have Ram to also encourage the jumping, running, climbing, and general mayhem that is another essential part of childhood.  In order to curb my addiction we make frequent trips to the methadone clinic.... I mean library.  Here my love of books can be satiated with a large bag of books that I can love for a week.   Last week Ram asked why we needed to get so many books at one time.  He suggested we only needed 3 each.  But like any good addict I argued my case for why I needed just a little bit more, that maybe next week we would try to have a few less books.  But who am I kidding?

Hello my name is Liz and I am a book addict.

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